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Coaster Design for guest

Coaster featuring Ngee Ann Polytechnic's building will leave a memory for the guest. 
Pictures were taken from different angles to pique curiosity.

Design a Can drink for School of Design and Environment

Design a Can drink for School of Design and Environment


Background is a picture of the DE building, together with a logo which I had designed. 

The "D" is a chill expression as design is to innovate products and find ways to improve the living.

The "E" has two arrowhead as design is a cycle of understanding, empathising, solving and testing.

I used letter "D" and "E" as DE is like a recognition of the school in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, so I tried to make it different but still recognisable for the school to identify.

Designers' of tomorrow DOT illustration Practice


The original picture is a little dull and not very asthetically pleasing to the user. So, i opted for a brighter color scheme and added some features to make it more minimalistic but still recognizable for the outer shape.

The human feature in this illustration is to add some details and life to it. Shadows also made the illustration more protruding rather than just a flat piece.

Designers' of tomorrow DOT Logo design


This is the final propose logo design for the marketing team named Switch. 

The "S" has a hand shaking feature to symbolise business agreement and cooperation of the club.

The lightbulb symbolises innovation and with a tree in it, it also symbolises growth for the student.

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